
Showing posts from March, 2011

Flies in the web.

Part of the problem with the openness and ubiquity of the web is that you get to share in the dumbshit antics of teens. Stuff that used to be done in private or with a small group. Stuff that most of us here grew out of long ago. You might not know you are arguing with a partially formed young mind. Before I started skipping over the trolls I had an argument going with some schmuck on Facebook, who kept attacking me in a thread, pulling the conversation away from the original topic. I tried to move on, to steer him back on track and he ranted that I should leave HIS country!!! I clicked on his name, went to his page and saw I had been arguing with a teenager! I was a teen once, thought I had the world figured out. I did read a lot, but I think I would not want to get in a pissing match with the younger me. I couldn't have dreamed then that there would be spokespeople/experts on all sorts of topics, being given a platform to share their embryonic thoughts with the masses...