Guns and False Equivalents I hate the argument 'if you ban guns, people will STILL find a way to kill". I've seen and heard arguments where peoples say that if you take away guns, people will kill using knives, or bats. I can kill you by sticking my thumbs in your carotid artery on your neck, putting a plastic bag over your head and face, or stabbing you through the ear with a chopstick, locking you in the garage with your car running ...there are plenty of creative examples in movies. BUT, you can't do any of that by just twitching your finger. That is why people hang so rabidly onto their guns...the faux sense of being god-like. You point at someone and they fall! What a rush. Even my TV remote doesn't work that well.
Showing posts from February, 2013
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The Devolution of John McCranky...I mean McCain Quick poll- are you getting tired of John McCranky angrily attacking any move forward? Of anything that has a Democratic fingerprint on it? Or his DumFux Noose type interrogation of appointees? Tired of his constant war-mongering? If you listen to him, we'd have troops in Syria, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea...and maybe go back and finish VietNam. I used to think he was one of the rational Republicans, but after the 2008 election, he had to pipe in on every issue as if he thought he was the Assistant President. Maybe whatever brain disease Sorry Pale One has is contagious and he got it from breathing in her brainfarts. I think that as time passes, he is more afraid of losing his 'right' to die in office; of losing all that power he built up. He is trying to be one of the cool kids, so he is pandering to the Teathugs, who would love nothing more than to see DC burned to the ground. That would also...