Gun lovers shoot their mouths off
Following different conversations about gun safety. Whenever someone tries to talk reasonable, they're met with a slew of angry pit bulls who take it to an extreme, including making death threats! Thus proving we DO need to beef up mental health and it shouldn't be too hard to find the people that really need help! I'm especially dismayed by people who say 'I was a soldier and I don't need to foll ... ow YOUR laws', or repeat the propaganda of the fright wing media whores for the NRA and gun makers by saying 'we have plenty of laws. The ATF has been castrated by the NRA shills in Congress. There are so many rules that prohibit them from doing their job, it's a joke. Then to make thing worse, the fright wingers blather on, falsely, about how 'we're already tracked and regulated'. There is evidence that a handful of gun dealers are skirting the law to supply weapons that end up used in crimes. But the ATF is NOT ALLOWED to investigate a gun d...