The Bachman Gambit

There are a number of women out there who will defend Michelle Bachman just because she is a woman. I think if you were to poll the women who show up for Palin or Bachman events, you would find a percentage who are there because she is a woman, add the religiofascist nonsense and her reductio ad absurdum comments on issues and you pull in the DumFux Noooz grannies who want to do something to stop the 'evil liberal red menace'. And she's a nice white woman who can chase the evil black man out the back door. Why do people not want to admit that there are racist women too? I find that in a lot of comment threads there are women who come forward to angrily attack any man who badmouths Sorry Pale One (palin) or Bachman, even when those comments are about something stupid they did or said, not an overt sexist comment. Hopefully, liberal women will be more disgusted by this airhead, but I think a percentage of them won't vote at all because 'politics has just gotten too ugly, so I'm staying out of it" Bachman is a shiny object to get people's attention while the guys in the back room decide who will be more likely to sell our country to them, or turn a blind eye while they steal it. If they feel she can be another front- man, like Bush was, keeping us occupied while they rape us from behind, then they will back her. If she looks too independent, she will be summarily dumped, but they'll make it look like the Democrats did something to trash her -like posting nude pics of her (photoshop-ed, of course)so that the rabid fright-wing rallies behind whatever fascist candidate is left standing so that they can stop the evil liberals. What I really fear is that with all the stupid assholes poking feeble minded people with fear sticks, this election may get really ugly in the trenches.
The fact that there are a large number of women who are MUCH more intelligent, rational and qualified than her and SHE is what we get, makes me really sad for us all.


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