Fright wing stupidity---The 'community organizer' nonsense

Just saw a couple more references to President Obama as a 'community organizer' I thought this shit had been flushed long ago. It's a testimony to the fact that the internet and fright wing media are like someone re-infecting people with herpes...on purpose.
What right wing zombies don't get, mainly because they get their 'information' from the cesspool that is dumFux nooz, is that Obama had the chance to work for a high priced legal firm. He was RECRUITED to help workers who'd been bounced out of their jobs. His help cost him a lot of lost wages, meaning his legal help was worth a lot to the people he helped. I'd guess that MOST of the idiots that say community organizer like it's a euphemism for janitor don't know what the hell they're talking about. And that means Rude ass Jiuliani too. "Comunity organizer? phffht! what's that?" I guess Rude ass, in our biggest city, only knew the 'organizers' that handed him plain brown envelopes and a hooker.


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