Budgetary Bunk

All the commentary on the news about budget 'negotiations' is bunk. Who has the courage to point out that the whole mess is from years of GOP 'business first' policies that funneled money to the rich at the expense of the rest of us?  Money was not lost, it went into a small number of pockets and accounts, making some people even richer.  Now the Republicans want more of the same, and will NOT negotiate anything other than their corporatist policies.
Remember Ross Perot's 'giant sucking sound' phrase? Well, the giant sucking sound was Wall street, bank CEO's and rich speculators sucking money out of the majority of Americans. Now they are sitting on their money, waiting for their GOP puppets to continue to dismantle any restrictions so they can continue to feed on us. "job creators'= BS. If they can make billions by destroying the lives of the rest of us, 'so be it'. They are nothing better than parasites. I have those on my rubber tree and you can only solve the problem with pesticides, not negotiation. Unfortunately in the larger arena, they are spending millions duping the rest of us into believing the parasites are our best friends.


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