Do you believe in ghosts?
Apparently the GOP and the NRA do. They both live off scaring the crap out of people in order to get us to buy stuff or buy their policies. The Gun companies must be running a little slow these days as the NRA is trying to scare people into spending their limited funds on guns and ammo. WHY? Because there is a really scary ghost out there(didn't know you could shoot ghosts, but that's another matter). The head of the NRA is saying that the fact that the Obama administration has done nothing to limit gun ownership (and has, in fact, expanded rights for gun owners) is really an insidious plot. He says that it's a ploy to make the gun owners relax and fall asleep and then elect him for a second term. THEN he will sweep in and take their guns. No, really! I think Mr LaPierre is either filling his pockets with money from Smith and Wesson to cause a run on gun shops, or his brain is exhibiting symptoms of lead poisoning from fondling bullets. Of course the fact that the people who ran out to the gun stores the minute Obama was elected are NOT going to vote for him unless he bleaches himself and FUX Nooz suddenly is taken over by people with functioning brains and souls.
The Republican candidates continue to hammer home their paranoid delusions about the country falling apart unless we turn it over to the corporations and shut down all services for citizens. They think that if they say they don't believe in science, such as climate change or evolution, it will just disappear. Their cronies in the fright wing press spread lies and delusions about socialist plots, class warfare and death camps. This is magical thinking in the extreme dark side. While the world is full of real issues and challenges for us to work on together, they create new delusions to worry about. Don't even try to talk facts with them, their bottom line mantra is "just because you can't see it measure it, smell it, or prove it, doesn't mean it's not there."
Apparently the GOP and the NRA do. They both live off scaring the crap out of people in order to get us to buy stuff or buy their policies. The Gun companies must be running a little slow these days as the NRA is trying to scare people into spending their limited funds on guns and ammo. WHY? Because there is a really scary ghost out there(didn't know you could shoot ghosts, but that's another matter). The head of the NRA is saying that the fact that the Obama administration has done nothing to limit gun ownership (and has, in fact, expanded rights for gun owners) is really an insidious plot. He says that it's a ploy to make the gun owners relax and fall asleep and then elect him for a second term. THEN he will sweep in and take their guns. No, really! I think Mr LaPierre is either filling his pockets with money from Smith and Wesson to cause a run on gun shops, or his brain is exhibiting symptoms of lead poisoning from fondling bullets. Of course the fact that the people who ran out to the gun stores the minute Obama was elected are NOT going to vote for him unless he bleaches himself and FUX Nooz suddenly is taken over by people with functioning brains and souls.
The Republican candidates continue to hammer home their paranoid delusions about the country falling apart unless we turn it over to the corporations and shut down all services for citizens. They think that if they say they don't believe in science, such as climate change or evolution, it will just disappear. Their cronies in the fright wing press spread lies and delusions about socialist plots, class warfare and death camps. This is magical thinking in the extreme dark side. While the world is full of real issues and challenges for us to work on together, they create new delusions to worry about. Don't even try to talk facts with them, their bottom line mantra is "just because you can't see it measure it, smell it, or prove it, doesn't mean it's not there."
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