Criticizing the President- a portrait in hypocrisy

During the reign of the Booshie's, criticism of George was not tolerated, especially by fright wing press. A lot of mainstream media were so cowed by this, they seemed to refrain from having guests on their news programs from the Democratic Party. When Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, a first in our history, it was tabulated that the FORMER, disgraced, and FIRED speaker Newt Gingrich, appeared on news programs many times while Pelosi was not on shows as a guest even once.  Other examples of intolerance of criticism, especially after 9-11, which was used as an excuse to not criticize because criticism "aids the terrorists."

  • The Dixie Chicks' Natalie Maines said in a concert in London that she was "ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."  They were attacked in the media, people boycotted their music, destroyed CD's, stations took them off the air, and Fox news treated them like they should be tried for treason. Station managers said their decisions were prompted by calls from irate listeners who thought criticism of the president was unpatriotic.
  • There were Free Speech Zones, caged-in areas set up a distance away from the President's motorcade, surrounded by cops with mace and bundled ziptie handcuffs, so he wouldn't have to see protestors.
  • Cindy Sheehan- a mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, went to a campaign talk by Laura Bush. She stood up to ask 'what about my son?" with a pic of him on a t-shrt, and was immediately grabbed and taken out of the hall. When reporters asked her what happened, while she was saying her son was a patriot and died  in Iraq, a bunch of guys in suits and shades came up and dragged her off, pushing the cameras away. The news people thought they were FBI or Secret Service, but they turned out to be Republican 'Operatives' (NOT police, just impersonating them). That's what started her on her protests against Bush.
  • At the Republican Convention, they booed and shouted at Michael Moore who was just sitting in the press seats writing for rolling stone- forcing him to leave.
  • Also at the Republican Convention- there were at least a couple incidents where women stood up, looking like they were going to hold up a sign or banner and before they were completely upright, they were grabbed from behind, with hands clamped over their mouths, and dragged out of the hall. This is NOT from a conspiracy site, I saw it with my own eyes, watching the conventin live on CSPAN. NO news service talked about it.
  • Comedian Whoopi Goldberg was vilified and lost a lucrative product endorsement contract because she made a joke that was a word play on ‘bush’ at a PRIVATE  comedy event.
  • Sean Penn made a comment on Bill Maher’s show, when Cheney was in the Green Zone in Iraq and a truck bomb exploded against a wall of the compound a distance away from him. Penn said something like ‘they missed their target’. Fox sNooze is still talking about it today as an example of how the Dems are worse than anything the right wing says.
  • Sarah Palin (Sorry Pale One) got airtime on all news networks, attacking Rahm Emanuel for something he said
    “...during a meeting with some liberal activists who were threatening to run TV ads against conservative Democrats hesitant to embrace President Obama's approach to health care reform. "F**king retarded," was his response to the plan.”- ABC News   NOTICE- It was not recorded, but someone said he said it! So Palin and the shills at Fox call for him to be fired for saying ‘retarded’, but defend themselves and Tea party people for calling Obama all sorts of vile names.
  • DumFux and the rest of the fright wing continue to attack Bill Maher, or Jon Stewart for jokes made about anyone that is a right wing darling. 
  • The fright wing press attacked anyone who questioned Bush’s military record. This included getting a 60 Minutes veteran reporter FIRED for quoting people from Bush’s past who said he didn’t show up at times for National Guard duty. It was later revealed that most of what was said was TRUE, but they still talk about how Bush was ‘attacked by liberal media’.

    Now the flip side (or flipped out side)- Barack Delusion Syndrome
  • Fox advertises Tea party events, telling people where to go, posting dates, and generally acting like it’s a big party. They send reporters and on-air personalities who speak to the crowd and prompt them to cheer for the cameras. Later they say ‘we’re just reporting!”
  • Orly Taits gets a lot of air time on Fox, CNN, and even making it on to the Daily Show and Colbert, pushing her nonsense about Obama not being born in America.  She’s a ‘lawyer”, who got her degree from Taft Law School -an unaccredited correspondence school , real estate agent, and dentist- who still gets press for her continued screeching that Obama's birth certificate is fake, and has pushed unfounded claims about him having multiple Social Security numbers. AT her prompting, a young military officer said he would refuse to take orders from the President- he was dismissed from the military- that’s basically treason and dissension.
As of may 2012, she is still getting  press  and idiots to follow her, including some state legislators who use her as a reference as they try to keep Obama off the Presidential ballot, saying he hasn’t proven he’s an American!! 
  • The Tea Party repeatedly carried signs of Obama as Hitler, as an African Medicine man with a bone in his nose, saying ‘Africa is missing a Kenyan’ and worse.
Insults that are regularly thrown at the President on Right wing media include-
  • Not one of us
  • the chosen one
  • the annointed one
  • Racist
  • Stole the election using massive voter fraud through ACORN
  • Is all about 'reparations'
  • Never worked in his life
  • man child
  • Boy
  • Socialist
  • Commie
  • Radical
  • Nazi
  • Fascist
  • Muslim
  • Terrorist
  • Not American
  • Bought by Wall Street
  • Indoctrinating our children
  • America hater
  • Elitist
  • Arrogant.
  • Magic Negro
  • And the whole garden variety of pure racist bile on comment threads.  

The point is, if you insult a Republican, you hate America and should be deported, if not shot by a firing squad. But if you’re a Democrat, you are fair game…like pheasant at a hunting lodge. 


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