Using 'illegals' to spread hate and division.

The current nonsense about 'illegals' gets me really angry. Especially when being prompted by people who should be a little more circumspect before getting in front of a camera or microphone. But I know they are just in it for themselves, with no thought of their effect on people's lives.
I have a fuzzy memory of some BS in Upstate New York, a couple years ago, where a mayor of a small town got a little fascist about 'immigrants', and a lot of small businesses closed because they were run by Mexicans that were now being constantly harassed, including a woman who ran a restaurant and had lived there for something like 30 years.
If you look at history, even recently, you can see the potential evil from this. Politicians looking for ways to boost their own wealth or power, get people to turn on each other; Christians and Muslims, Hutu and Tutsi, Serbs and Croats attacking Bahai, etc.
I met a man years ago, who had lived in Ethiopia. He said that his village was full of Christians, Muslims and Bahai, that all got along fine, until the local government, the military, and the central government all got in struggles to take over land. They kidnapped young children and turned them into vicious soldiers who came back to rape and kill their former neighbors. People disappeared and were afraid to go out at night. He had been a teacher's assistant and told me of a young, pretty student, that he had defended from some bullies-young boys with guns. He said one was around 13 and had been one of his students. When he asked them to leave her alone, the kid stuck the tip of the bayonet taped to his gun in the guys nostril, threatening to cut. Then the girl disappeared and returned days later, after having been raped and mutilated with cuts all over her face and body. The guy said he knew who did it and 'took care of it' in the night.He wouldn't elaborate, but I could see he was stuffing down some memories. He knew he had to get out before morning or he would die too, so he took off with the clothes on his back and trekked on foot out of the country- a story in itself...
I related the story to some friends, and they called me gullible, saying he had to be yanking my chain. But when he spoke, it was like he hadn't told anyone before and I could feel the sadness in his voice. Not long after that, I turned on the news to see videos of Ethiopia, where UN inspectors had found bodies of people floating down the river. Men, women and chidren...slaughtered.
Throughout history, there have always been people of low mentality or borderline psychopaths who have no problem following orders to kill, or taking it on themselves to " remove a problem". That's what makes me so angry when I hear all the divisive hate and fearmongering of the delusional idiots in the fright wing media and in Congress. I see how angry the deluded get, even over simple things like saying 'I support Obama". It scares me, and pisses me off.


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