Right wing Nuts in a Nutshell

If you listen to the right wing propaganda machine, the rest of the world looks down on us, but at the same time, we're trying to become France, but we are OWNED by China, but in reality Americans own the majority of our debt, but we might become Greece, but Greece's economy collapsed due to American bankers lying about their debt and helping them spend beyond their means, but Greece's reich wing racist neo-nazi's are marching in the streets, giving Tea Party people erections that last more than four hours, but the EU invests in America because our economy is still relatively stable, but theirs is unstable because they don't have a central bank and need to set one up, but American independents and Ron Paul zombies want to dismantle our central banking and the Fed, and want to move all the troops home but bomb Iran, and give everyone jobs, but NOT public service jobs because the government doesn't make jobs, but the GOP has fired half a million public sector jobs, but it doesn't matter because they don't exist anyway, but our education system is failing, but we don't need to put teachers back to work, because they'll indoctrinate children to not swallow bibles for breakfast, and the government needs to stay out of our lives, especially when it comes to regulating pollution, energy, products, mortgages, financial gambling, food safety, but we need to have strict rules on abortion and birth control because women are too evil and stupid to make their own decisions without murdering babies and confusing sperm...........
Any questions??


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