Divided we fail

I just got an email from an old friend I haven't seen in decades. He's already come at me with attacks on Obama and Nancy Pelosi. This email had pics of several t-shirts, bashing Obama, and Pelosi. That's annoying enough, but he added 'if these offend you, you can dish it out all day long but you can't take it'. Here's my reply.
" I can dish it out but can't take it? C'mon, do I go to your page or email you with attacks? NO.
I do have some people that I just do not talk politics with. Sometimes that makes me a little sad.
I already have to deal with a brainwashed brother who swallows every right wing conspiracy to add to his innate racism. I know, from years of listening to him tell 'nigger' jokes that he hated Obama from the first day he saw him. My mother is staying with him and he's got her on a steady dose of DumFux Noose and his angry growlings, so that she's freaked out that a bunch of black, Fema/ commie/ homosexual/ Obama stormtroopers are going to kick down their door and steal her money, her Medicare, and her freedom. That's hard to take. It's also very frustrating when I see people I think have brains swallow the Fox News/Limbaugh/Beck right-wing garbage with a smile, and not only ask for more but try to shove it on the rest of us. I'm an atheist, but I don't go into churches and tell people they're idiots and can't pray any more, but they think it's perfectly OK to shove their religious dogma on everyone else and try to dictate OUR behavior.  How is that different than the Taliban?

My big frustration is when I hear people just spewing out the same garbage as if it's fact and if you ask 'do you REALLY believe that?' they just jump to the next piece of nonsense. There is so much good in the world, but there is a whole wing of the media that is pandering to the lizard brain in people, trumping up one fear, one enemy, after another. I DO believe there is bad crap (or people) too. I think people who throw acid n a girl's face for going to school should be dipped in that same acid, for example. But here at home, there are so many things we can accomplish if we work together and not divide up into angry opposing teams to fight over bullshit. The Romans knew how to keep the lower classes busy like that, with the Colisseum and endless wars, while the Patricians stole people's lands and goods, enslaved people and decided who was an 'enemy' deserving of destruction. Many tyrants have used similar tactics in history, including Mao, some African nations, and it's still going on. I do not want to see that happen here, where the uber rich corporations who don't give a shit about being American, but act more like parasites, sucking out the marrow or resources, then stepping over the border to leave us to rot; those same people feed the hatred and keep us at each other's throats with distractions and FAKE crises (abortion, voter 'fraud' that has NOT happened, even attacking cleaning up the air and water as 'evil'). They are getting so arrogant that they don't even hide the fact that they want us to sit back and take anything they throw at us,and not regulate or ask for certain agreements,like not poisoning our water, or air.
I have Republican friends that I discuss issues with. We start out with curiosity, try to keep our own dogma from barking, listen, and walk away both learning something. I tried to do that for a lot of my posts in comment threads online and on Facebook, but the angry flood of garbage I see whenever I try to read about anything has made me harder and angrier, and now, my goal is to get more people to wake up and keep our country that people call 'exceptional' from being dismantled and sold to the highest bidder.


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