Re Guns in America-

In response to a comment thread on the issue of high capacity gun magazines from ON POINT facebook page  'How much is too much firepower?

Here's some of the logic of some gun owners-
I own guns
I am a
reasonable/intelligent/conscientious gun owner
millions own
therefore millions are reasonable/intelligent/and

In response to this comment-
Blaming inanimate objects for criminal actions is no answer. Did we ban sports cars after high speed crashes? Alcohol after DUIs? Knives after stabbings? And none of those are mentioned in the Constitution.
Living in a free society means we have to punish the guilty for their actions, not punish the innocent for their choices.”
My response-
If you crash a sports car, you don't back up and crash it repeatedly. You don't carry it in your pocket.
You'd have to work really hard to use it to kill a bunch of people and when you do, you usually don't get to walk away from it.
More faulty logic that I keep hearing even in the media..."people will find ways to get guns, or ways to kill, so restrictions won't do anything."
Think about it. This is a country of laws and agreements that keep us from being a country of thugs, warlords, gangs, and dictatorships. When someone says 'they will do it anyway', then you might as well not have burglar alarms, locks on doors, security guards, or police...because if someone REALLY wants to mess you up, they'll find a give up....let me have my grenades, RPG's, or machine guns, because there's probably some meth cooker in my town who has those!


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