The REAL Bush legacy.

Fright wing pundits and GOPTea partiers love to say 'stop picking on Bush...Obama's destroying America. But they are part of the big neo-conjob perpetrated by Bush and his handlers in the corporate world. Their whole MO was to dismantle government and turn it over to corporations. Security by Blackwater anyone? Notice how Haliburton slithered out from scrutiny by moving their HQ to another country as soon as the Dems got a few more seats?
They took axes to Attorney's general,used a list from Rove and a flunky who just graduated from a low ranked 'christian' college to root out anyone who wouldn't kowtow to corporations. In other words, neutral. When it was exposed, she just repercussions.

-Whenever anyone was caught (except Rove and Cheney), at doing anything that was out of line, illegal or just downright fucked up for us, they would put their hands up and walk away, sometimes just moving over to a lobbying firm instead of prison.

-Brought cronyism to new heights
-Used 'signing statements' like crazy to say "look at me, I signed a law, then used the signing
statements to basically say 'But I ain't gonna enforce it"
-Once the Dems had a simple majority, that veto pen came out and turned laws into bathroom grafitti 
-The party aparatchiks used secret holds, fake filibuster, and forced bills to be read out loud to run out the clock while they went out to get goosed by a few contibutors.
-They went on Fox to say “Pelosi better not make us stay through Christmas” then when she let
everyone go home, they held press conferences in front of huge banks of microphones whining 'Nancy turned the lights and the microphones off and told us to go home and we were all ready to work!”
-fucked up FEMA with handouts to Haliburton, Blackwater and cronyism.
-tried to turn us into spies on each other-the very thing we were told the Soviets did when we were kids.
-Put oil company operatives throughout the government, where I'll bet some of them still are.
-Appointed judges that eat at the corporate cafeteria and crap on the rest of us.
-They ignored clean air and clean water laws,
-closed a lot of EPA regional offices, throwing out millions of dollars worth of research,
- opened parks to guns,
- opened parks to development,
- turned to stare at the wall while coal companies and oil companies flouted every regulation;
-let oil and coal companies skip paying the US billions of dollars on mineral fees or even fines.
-kept paying subsidies by the billions to oil companies while those same oil companies raked in record
profits and shafted other businesses by raising fuel prices with speculation.
-spent taxpayer dollars cleaning up toxic coal sludge spills and waggled their fingers at the owners,
saying 'that's not nice'. Now Massey gets to sell his company at a profit.
-turned the press into a bunch of sheep, herded into special 'free speech' cages away from the action
and easily herded into vans if necessary.
-Held 'town halls' where the 'Mairkin Peeeple' got to have their say after kissing his ring and pledging
their fealty to the Prez. If anyone tried to speak out during any Bush event, they were whisked away by men in suits, sometimes posing as Secret Service when they were just other Repub operatives.
-Opened the door for jackasses like Rupert Murdoch to take over huge chunks of public media. And use us as lab rats in his behavioral conditioning experiment.
-made personal bankruptcy almost illegal, while letting Wall Street and CEO's loot the store and get bonuses or golden parachutes for it. Millions lost jobs while the people on top got bonuses "because they were promised".
-Failed to reign in Wall Street raiding the world economy- and yes, there were people who warned them
-Got us into a war of choice when we had Iraq contained. Killing thousands of our people in the process, maiming thousands more, destroying the lives of millions of Iraqi's and adding at least a trillion dollars to the debt because we did NOT raise taxes to pay for it.
-cooked the books on the budget by keeping both wars out of the budget and making them supplemental.
- let lobbyists on the floor of the house to stroke the legislature until they passed the Medicare
supplemental act after 2 AM- not allowing drugs from Canada (the same company factories as here), NOT regulating drug pricing, making old people choose from 500 confusing plans that each covered something separate or be FINED! ---Dropped a lot of people into a donut hole that wasn't that sweet-
AND DID NOT PAY FOR THE BILL-adding to the deficit.
-gave us a capering monkey of a president to watch, sho could snicker at tragedy, bluster instead of plan, all the while they looted and pillaged the country.
-That same president took vacations for a grand total of 3 YEARS out of his 8!
-Created the largest mish-mash of security and 'intelligence' agencies under the ruse of 'simplifying'.
-Used the 'SECRET' stamp more then any other administration, even classifying previousy public documents and repeatedly thumbing their noses at Freedom on Information Act requests for documents on several fronts.
-May be partially responsible for the dot com crash by letting their buds at ENRON shaft us all. While I lived in California, I saw companies lose millions while shut down by brownouts orchestrated by ENRON to get us to pay higher utility prices.
- Exposed a secret agent to get vengeance on her husband for doing his job and calling them on their
bullshit claims used to start a war. Rove and Cheney should be tried as trators and for sedition, but they even thumbed their noses at investigating committees. The exposure not only effected Valerie
Plame, but blew open a cover that endangered many other spies. A gift to other countries.
The last administration and their fellow jackals in the houses not only set the public house on fire,
they made billions betting on it, threw rocks at the firemen and cut the hoses. And continued that behavior when the new Administration came in. “who me? What fire? These matches? We're...making s'mores”
I could go on... this is enough to think about next time someone says "Obama is damaging our country"


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