On "Home grown terrorists' and 'lone wolfs'-

-What we can NOT do, is counter terrorism by fostering fascism in the US. When you demonize a group of people based on the actions of a tiny fraction of a percent, you create a self feeding loop. You create more demons(real or not), which feeds more fear, which feeds more calls for 'crackdowns', which results in someone like Trump labeling more people as demons, and around it goes. BUT while this is going on, we have given... up our own freedom. MORE people have been killed with guns this year, by AMERICANS in the US, mostly white. Why do we not refer to the thug that shot black people in a church a 'white Christian extremist"?, Should we start finding out the ethnic heritage of the thugs at the Bundy Ranch; or who took over the nature preserve; the man that shot the young kid for playing loud music; Zimmerman, etc, and then smear that ethnicity?

-'Lone wolf'- People keep referring to lone wolf terrorists, but it's a misnomer. Ted Kazynski was a lone wolf. He was disconnected from society and the grid. He did NOT have the Internet, yet he created his own philosophy and terrorist plan. The last few terror based attacks in the US had a common element of people being connected or active on the INTERNET. They did not have to fly to foreign camps to be indoctrinated. They could, and can, easily go online to learn how to make bombs, where to go, and even tips on where to buy guns without hassle. This is a VIRTUAL WOLF PACK. In some ways, more dangerous, because the internet gives people the perception that they are not only not alone, but part of a MASS of people that agree with them. Just look at how some people INSIST their 'patriot' jingoistic hate-filled bullshit is the majority view. Why? Because they can go to a house of mirrors on the Web to find any number of other jingoistic, racist hate-filled knuckle draggers, without knowing if those idiots are really pumped up patriots or fat, doughy, low intellect shlubs who only feel important when attacking others. I was in a group where some nutjob was spewing right wing hate. I clicked on his link and saw pics of a steroid OD'd guy standing next to his Motorcycle, looking like he couldn't put his arms all the way down at his sides or wear a shirt with a neck smaller than 22". his 'friends' looked the same. I wondered if it was fake, because when you see the 'open carry' nuts out in public, more often than not, they look like they're about to have a hernia from carrying their guns.
-One more perspective- England had Irish radical terrorists car bombs for years. It did not ramp up into utter chaos, in part because everyone was NOT armed, and the country did not turn into an armed 'papers please', walled off kingdom as some people here propose.


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