Vaccines ate my poodle

I STILL see unqualified people ranting about vaccines causing autism or other problems, usually spewing FALSE information.
For those that KNOW the answer, how do you factor in exposure in our lifetimes to...?
toxic crap in the air and water from power plants and factories;
lead paint;
lead in toys; ...
bug sprays
insect repellants like DEET on our skin and sprayed around us aluminum in the air from oxidized HVAC systems
mercury in the air, water and fish
formaldehyde in fabrics and furniture
fire retardants in furniture and clothing
various plastics, and plastic components in air, water, dissolved in coffee
antibiotic over use
antibiotics and hormones in water supply
'germ killing' cleaning materials
opium (used to be in medicine to stop diarrhea)
tobacco smoke
sugar and preservatives in everything (saw added sugar in a can of pineapple!!)
Show me your human 'control' that grew up


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