
Vaccines ate my poodle

I STILL see unqualified people ranting about vaccines causing autism or other problems, usually spewing FALSE information. For those that KNOW the answer, how do you factor in exposure in our lifetimes to...? toxic crap in the air and water from power plants and factories; lead paint; lead in toys; ... DDT; bug sprays insect repellants like DEET on our skin and sprayed around us aluminum in the air from oxidized HVAC systems mercury in the air, water and fish arsenic formaldehyde in fabrics and furniture fire retardants in furniture and clothing various plastics, and plastic components in air, water, dissolved in coffee antibiotic over use antibiotics and hormones in water supply 'germ killing' cleaning materials opium (used to be in medicine to stop diarrhea) tobacco smoke sugar and preservatives in everything (saw added sugar in a can of pineapple!!) mold..... Show me your human 'control' that grew up

Rtoons- Trump

On "Home grown terrorists' and 'lone wolfs'- -What we can NOT do, is counter terrorism by fostering fascism in the US. When you demonize a group of people based on the actions of a tiny fraction of a percent, you create a self feeding loop. You create more demons(real or not), which feeds more fear, which feeds more calls for 'crackdowns', which results in someone like Trump labeling more people as demons, and around it goes. BUT while this is going on, we have given ... up our own freedom. MORE people have been killed with guns this year, by AMERICANS in the US, mostly white. Why do we not refer to the thug that shot black people in a church a 'white Christian extremist"?, Should we start finding out the ethnic heritage of the thugs at the Bundy Ranch; or who took over the nature preserve; the man that shot the young kid for playing loud music; Zimmerman, etc, and then smear that ethnicity? - 'Lone wolf' - People keep referring to lon...

To the attackers of President Obama from the right and left

You have to look at President Obama's goals and vision throughout his terms in office. He has been pulled, pushed, blocked and sabotaged, but he maintains the course. Early on when he was first elected and went around the world as they all do, in his speeches in other countries, he said that America had helped the rest of the world, but now it was time for the rest of the world to carry their share of the load, that we can't be the world police. He stuck to that, by not only gathering names and saying 'we have a coalition of the willing", he got together coalitions that have gotten off their asses and actually led bombing runs against ISIS or in Syria, worked with Russia to make a double threat to Syria to surrender chemical weapons (almost good cop, bad cop). BUT the fright wing plopaganda machine had to screech that Obama didn't say 'WE rule the world, and fuck y'all!", try to force the rest of the world to change, and angry that he didn't nuke N...

Gun toons

Someone let me know what you're defending against when you feel a need to carry a gun to buy coffee, or diapers.

Fright wing stupidity---The 'community organizer' nonsense

Just saw a couple more references to President Obama as a 'community organizer' I thought this shit had been flushed long ago. It's a testimony to the fact that the internet and fright wing media are like someone re-infecting people with herpes...on purpose. What right wing zombies don't get, mainly because they get their 'information' from the cesspool that is dumFux nooz, is that Obama had the chance to work for a hig h priced legal firm. He was RECRUITED to help workers who'd been bounced out of their jobs. His help cost him a lot of lost wages, meaning his legal help was worth a lot to the people he helped. I'd guess that MOST of the idiots that say community organizer like it's a euphemism for janitor don't know what the hell they're talking about. And that means Rude ass Jiuliani too. "Comunity organizer? phffht! what's that?" I guess Rude ass, in our biggest city, only knew the 'organizers' that handed him plain b...

One of my Rtoons....NUT ALLERGY
