1/17/11 In response to a comment thread on the issue of high capacity gun magazines from ON POINT facebook page ' How much is too much firepower? Here's some of the logic of some gun owners- I own guns I am a reasonable/intelligent/conscientious gun owner millions own guns therefore millions are reasonable/intelligent/and conscientious. In response to this comment - “ Blaming inanimate objects for criminal actions is no answer. Did we ban sports cars after high speed crashes? Alcohol after DUIs? Knives after stabbings? And none of those are mentioned in the Constitution. Living in a free society means we have to punish the guilty for their actions, not punish the innocent for their choices.” My response - If you crash a sports car, you don't back up and crash it repeatedly. You don't carry it in your pocket. You'd have to work really hard to use it to kill a bunch of people and when you do, you usually don't get to walk away from it. More faulty l...
Remember the last Presidential race, where the Repugnican'ts had 10 candidates all frothing at the mouth to channel Ronald Reagan? It felt like a quiz show...including holding up hands to show you don't believe in global warming, evolution or gravity. First to go in the elimination round...Alan Keyes...crazy comes in all colors! After all the other dogs kept biting each other's tails, McCain, like the grizzled old hound, came up to the front. I seem to remember the other re-pugs didn't like him, even the fright wing 'pundints' had dismissed him until the poll numbers went up. I was also thoroughly disgusted when practically from the day Obama won the election, Pale One was being asked if she was going to run in 2012! Show some real frigging respect and just a tiny smidgen of real patriotism and pride in America. Not that jingoistic, flag-waving, bumper sticker, fake, 'america first' crap. A man won the election with 63.4 million votes! NEVER FORGET THAT!...
You have to look at President Obama's goals and vision throughout his terms in office. He has been pulled, pushed, blocked and sabotaged, but he maintains the course. Early on when he was first elected and went around the world as they all do, in his speeches in other countries, he said that America had helped the rest of the world, but now it was time for the rest of the world to carry their share of the load, that we can't be the world police. He stuck to that, by not only gathering names and saying 'we have a coalition of the willing", he got together coalitions that have gotten off their asses and actually led bombing runs against ISIS or in Syria, worked with Russia to make a double threat to Syria to surrender chemical weapons (almost good cop, bad cop). BUT the fright wing plopaganda machine had to screech that Obama didn't say 'WE rule the world, and fuck y'all!", try to force the rest of the world to change, and angry that he didn't nuke N...
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