Perscription for sanity.
I don't know why I expect people to act like rational humans, not brainless fact, jackals have a lot more discernment than some people, but I digress... The constant barrage of idiocy, hatred, bullshit, lies, propaganda, fear mongering, and manipulation that I see in this so-called 'civilized' country S TILL makes my neck muscles tense. We have to develop a different way to cope. We can't all pull the blankets over our heads, 'forget' to vote or throw up our hands and say 'what good will it do?". Here's a beginning of a plan- 1- lower our expectations- that others are as rational or intelligent as we are, or that they actually WANT to learn. 2- be aware that there are people who are pre-disposed to follow the herd, to revere the biggest, loudest or meanest; because on a primitive level, maybe thousands of years ago (or at war), he might have helped protect the tribe. Know when you're seeing or talking to one of those tribal ty...