Open letter to my liberal friends

Is it just me, or are others on the progressive side feeling increasingly like talking is over-rated, and maybe WE should be building up our arsenals? At least of baseball bats?
It's like the onslaught of hate and stupidity from the fright wing fringies (redundant, I know) is endless! They get away with it, so more pile on and get increasingly more strident to get attention; like a pack of barking dogs getting increasingly louder and more rabid. I'm sick of seeing totally dismissive commentary that comes from brain dead assholes like- Palin/Hannity/Beck/Jones/Malkin/Coulter/Limpnuts/WorldNetDaily/NewsMax/the whole DumFux Noose angry monkey troop.
You can't have a discussion in any open forums without people jumping in to call you names like libtard, obamanot, Nazi, or wishing you dead. If you suggest discussion of a topic, you invite some shit for brains making death threats. I think for a long time the left has tried to be nice and say 'let's talk', taking for granted that others want to use their brains for more than a doorstop, but an increasingly louder, foulmouthed MINORITY of numbskulls are hijacking the public discourse. The result? Polls can show a majority of people want background checks on new gun purchases and better safety rules, but our politicians are afraid of the angry minority so they say 'Democracy? What's that? We have to pander to this nut with a gun! Or radio/TV show." Or we get petty state dictators pushing through increasingly draconian, fascist rules on voting, or women's reproductive rights, with an accompanying attack that basically says 'stop talking about rape! We all know you wanted it."
I feel like I'm on a boat in increasingly stormy waters ,bouncing up and down between depression to outright rage.


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