Sequester this...

Something I don't see people talking about, re the sequester-
a lot of important programs are getting severe cuts, like research by the NIH, or FDA inspections. Some people seem to think that the money will be restored as the economy picks up, after the books are 'balanced'. WRONG! If you listen to the rhetoric of the GOP, they want to take those 'savings' to cut people's taxes, or give more breaks to corporate gamblers,  thus further reducing revenue. It will take YEARS of fights by agencies to get some of that money back.  Congress will say 'NO, you just want to go back to the old tax and spend nonsense."
 And to the people that suck up to the Teathugs, just try to find out how much you will get back in tax know that 'keep your own money' idea? I would bet that a lot of people will get NOTHING, or so little that if you spread it out over a year, you wouldn't be able to buy a regular coffee, let alone "invest' in anything.
Plus, as Federal money dries up and hundreds of thousands more public workers become unemployed, stress on services will go up and will need to be provided by local sources, meaning increases in sales tax, property tax, fees, etc. And if you think the private sector will cover all of that for LESS money, I want some of what you're smoking.


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