Stay awake for the next elections!
I hope progressives will stay awake enough to work to toss out the fright wing trolls that have infected government at all levels in the midterms. I'm still basically pissed off at the Dems who sat on their hands in the 2010 election to 'send a message' to Obama that they were disappointed. I got in a few arguments with those people online who wouldn't take the time to even go to White to look at what had been accomplished, despite all the blocking, and other shenanigans by the TeaOP to sabotage the President. They acted like petulant children who said 'I asked for chocolate ice cream and he got me neapolitan." The result was, the right wing agitated the hell out of ignorant, frightened, people to rush out and vote against the evils of Nancy Pelosi, and gay FEMA soldiers coming to take their guns. And we all ended up with GOP redistricting, so that even if more people voted for the Dems than the GOP, we STILL got a GOP majority who promised 'jobs jobs jobs" and gave us 'abortion, sharia, immigrants,abortion, birth control, rape, crippling voters' rights, and focusing people's attention on 'balancing the budget' with stupid memes like 'people have to do it at home, so...." So, we have people saying the equivalent of "Screw Tiny tim...mooching bastard...we need to help Scrooge balance the books."


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