You have to look at President Obama's goals and vision throughout his terms in office. He has been pulled, pushed, blocked and sabotaged, but he maintains the course. Early on when he was first elected and went around the world as they all do, in his speeches in other countries, he said that America had helped the rest of the world, but now it was time for the rest of the world to carry their share of the load, that we can't be the world police. He stuck to that, by not only gathering names and saying 'we have a coalition of the willing", he got together coalitions that have gotten off their asses and actually led bombing runs against ISIS or in Syria, worked with Russia to make a double threat to Syria to surrender chemical weapons (almost good cop, bad cop). BUT the fright wing plopaganda machine had to screech that Obama didn't say 'WE rule the world, and fuck y'all!", try to force the rest of the world to change, and angry that he didn't nuke N...
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