
Showing posts from July, 2015

To the attackers of President Obama from the right and left

You have to look at President Obama's goals and vision throughout his terms in office. He has been pulled, pushed, blocked and sabotaged, but he maintains the course. Early on when he was first elected and went around the world as they all do, in his speeches in other countries, he said that America had helped the rest of the world, but now it was time for the rest of the world to carry their share of the load, that we can't be the world police. He stuck to that, by not only gathering names and saying 'we have a coalition of the willing", he got together coalitions that have gotten off their asses and actually led bombing runs against ISIS or in Syria, worked with Russia to make a double threat to Syria to surrender chemical weapons (almost good cop, bad cop). BUT the fright wing plopaganda machine had to screech that Obama didn't say 'WE rule the world, and fuck y'all!", try to force the rest of the world to change, and angry that he didn't nuke N...

Gun toons

Someone let me know what you're defending against when you feel a need to carry a gun to buy coffee, or diapers.

Fright wing stupidity---The 'community organizer' nonsense

Just saw a couple more references to President Obama as a 'community organizer' I thought this shit had been flushed long ago. It's a testimony to the fact that the internet and fright wing media are like someone re-infecting people with herpes...on purpose. What right wing zombies don't get, mainly because they get their 'information' from the cesspool that is dumFux nooz, is that Obama had the chance to work for a hig h priced legal firm. He was RECRUITED to help workers who'd been bounced out of their jobs. His help cost him a lot of lost wages, meaning his legal help was worth a lot to the people he helped. I'd guess that MOST of the idiots that say community organizer like it's a euphemism for janitor don't know what the hell they're talking about. And that means Rude ass Jiuliani too. "Comunity organizer? phffht! what's that?" I guess Rude ass, in our biggest city, only knew the 'organizers' that handed him plain b...

One of my Rtoons....NUT ALLERGY


Democrats and liberals need a vision.

WE need to establish our VISION. What do we want? In the last election, NEITHER party really put forth what they stood for, just bullshit talking points from the Repugs and Dems saying 'what they said about me isn't true'. Faced with the 24/7 fear/hate/lie machine, and regular media's complicity with giving air time to every foam at the mouth right wing clown, when Democratic candidates do not st and up for what we want, then they come across as wimps at best, pussies at worst, and open the gates for others to paint whatever image they want on those bland personas. I see too many Dems or liberals telling people 'google it'. when if you look at right wing campaigns, they're practically intravenously feeding their followers with their tripe. When you build a house, you start with an INTENT, that leads to a VISION of what you want. Then you make plans, including what type of land, location, how the house is arranged, etc. Then you start to build. You don't ...

Why fly the rebel flag?

To those who claim flying the Confederate, or Rebel battle flag is 'part of our heritage', I ask this question: Why aren't we flying the Mexican flag in California and Texas? After all, it's part of their 'heritage'! Or the French flag in parts of the US, where the French helped us win independence? Or, for that matter, why don't we still fly the British Flag, because there were a lot of loyal British subjects living in America before and during our struggle for independence? Or the Chinese, Italian, Irish flags over our railroads, or buildings built with the labor of those immigrants? What I find offensive are things like the bust of Lush Riimjob in a State Capitol building, or the Ten Commandment statue that was smuggled onto official grounds in the middle of the night! Or the electronic flag, aka TV, in public places tuned to DumFux Nooze to honor our heritage of freedom to be stupid?

Re Democrats and spine transplants

Part of what makes some people excited about Bernie Sanders is that he is NOT a wimp. It's what I admired in Barnie Frank, too. He says what he means. He does not mush mouth to avoid hurting anyone's feelings or from fear of dumbass right wing knuckle draggers threatening him online. Even when Hillary shoots straight, as in her 'what difference does it make' comment, that was totally right on in context, the fright wing media fucks it up an d people buy the fucked up version. Why is it that Teathuglicans shoot their mouths off DAILY saying hateful stupid shit, and when we have a Dem say something that gets taken out of context, the Dems apologize and back down? Look at all the idiot Dem candidates that played like Jesus disciples (please don't come back with Bible quotes, I'm a recovered Catholic) and said 'who? Obama? I don't agree with him...I don't even know the guy". The right wing seems to understand the old knowledge that you need to make...

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street- the right wing propaganda machine.

The right wing propaganda machine makes my blood boil for at least a few reasons: 1- I hate liars to start with 2-It has always gotten under my skin when some people seem to 'get away with' crap and I had a supernatural being keeping a record of every action or thought (recovered Catholic)...sneak cookie before dinner? That goes down as 'disobeying your parents, lying and stealing' Boy are YOU going to hell!" Some call it instant karma. I call it frustrating. 3-I grew up being called names for my dark skin, (being called the N  word), having people telling me 'Italians are not white people', even some ass explaining to me how dark people, including Italians, are 'mud people'; God's screw up when he first attempted to bake a few human cookies. I hated having to defend myself from BS and not being able to do it with the same level of angry vitriol as the accuser unless I wanted to be in a fist fight (at least). It also made me uncomfortabl...