Re Democrats and spine transplants

Part of what makes some people excited about Bernie Sanders is that he is NOT a wimp. It's what I admired in Barnie Frank, too. He says what he means. He does not mush mouth to avoid hurting anyone's feelings or from fear of dumbass right wing knuckle draggers threatening him online.
Even when Hillary shoots straight, as in her 'what difference does it make' comment, that was totally right on in context, the fright wing media fucks it up and people buy the fucked up version.
Why is it that Teathuglicans shoot their mouths off DAILY saying hateful stupid shit, and when we have a Dem say something that gets taken out of context, the Dems apologize and back down? Look at all the idiot Dem candidates that played like Jesus disciples (please don't come back with Bible quotes, I'm a recovered Catholic) and said 'who? Obama? I don't agree with him...I don't even know the guy".
The right wing seems to understand the old knowledge that you need to make your message simple, then repeat repeat repeat. I don't know why Dems, in general forget that. If you follow Obama, you'll see that he comes back to promises he's made all along, even closing Gitmo. But a lot of people buy the perverted version and say 'yeah, he promised to close Gitmo but...."
If someone pulls a dumptruck up behind your car in the drive, do you blame the truck/driver for being in the way, or do you accept that YOU are a shitty driver for not being able to magically pass your car molecules through the truck?


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