Why fly the rebel flag?

To those who claim flying the Confederate, or Rebel battle flag is 'part of our heritage', I ask this question: Why aren't we flying the Mexican flag in California and Texas? After all, it's part of their 'heritage'! Or the French flag in parts of the US, where the French helped us win independence? Or, for that matter, why don't we still fly the British Flag, because there were a lot of loyal British subjects living in America before and during our struggle for independence?
Or the Chinese, Italian, Irish flags over our railroads, or buildings built with the labor of those immigrants?
What I find offensive are things like the bust of Lush Riimjob in a State Capitol building, or the Ten Commandment statue that was smuggled onto official grounds in the middle of the night! Or the electronic flag, aka TV, in public places tuned to DumFux Nooze to honor our heritage of freedom to be stupid?


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