Democrats and liberals need a vision.

WE need to establish our VISION. What do we want? In the last election, NEITHER party really put forth what they stood for, just bullshit talking points from the Repugs and Dems saying 'what they said about me isn't true'. Faced with the 24/7 fear/hate/lie machine, and regular media's complicity with giving air time to every foam at the mouth right wing clown, when Democratic candidates do not stand up for what we want, then they come across as wimps at best, pussies at worst, and open the gates for others to paint whatever image they want on those bland personas. I see too many Dems or liberals telling people 'google it'. when if you look at right wing campaigns, they're practically intravenously feeding their followers with their tripe.
When you build a house, you start with an INTENT, that leads to a VISION of what you want. Then you make plans, including what type of land, location, how the house is arranged, etc. Then you start to build. You don't just dump a pile of wood into an empty field and say ' it'.

I think a lot of us liberals need to start using our energy to kick the asses of the Democratic organizations that keep sending daily 'the world is doomed unless you send $5 by midnight' letters. We need to DEMAND to know where the money goes AND demand information. WE can use the power of social media to kick the barbarian and corporate fascist Teathuglicans out of office, but we need INFORMATION, like:

  • -what is the voting record of our officials?
  • -WHO needs to be targeted to kick out and why?
  • -WHERE do we go, and what can we do to fight back against the massive ELECTION FRAUD that is being perpetrated by the Teathugs to disenfranchise many thousands of voters to help steal more elections?
  • - who are the lower level officials that keep in the shadows but are part of the effort of the REthugs to turn America into America Inc. LLC?
I have written to various organizations but have gotten NO reply! Just more guilt trips like 'Ron, why have you NOT contributed?" in my emails. This game of trying to see how much money you can raise is bullshit because it is playing THEIR game! If you're raising money to pay for a commercial, you are paying the same corporations who want Rethugs to win. Also the fossil fuel industry and car industry spend a lot of money on those 'aren't we great' ads, sucking up the air time so that if you DO manage to get an ad going, you're lucky if a meth head might see it at midnight for 30 seconds.


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